Physical Education
The PE Program is designed to help students develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for confident, lifelong participation in sport and recreation. Students discover that physical activity is an essential aspect of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle and that learning through PE helps to build self-esteem, confidence, cooperation and fitness.
Our school offers students a wide range of physical activity programs, including After Hours Sports, Sapsasa Events, Sports Day, Dance, Pedal Prix, Jump Rope, Premier’s Be Active Challenge, School Fun Run, Wheelchair Sports, Swimming and Aquatics.
Junior Primary PE
The Junior Primary PE program initially centres on individual activities, which are offered with an approach that promotes the development of fundamental movement skills. A wide variety of sporting equipment is used to enhance hand-eye coordination. Students are encouraged to explore, observe, express, imitate and create. Students also develop fundamental game skills and learn to co-operate with others in small groups and teams.
Children are introduced to gymnastics and dance. In gymnastics they learn a variety of basic skills, including static balances, rolls and safe landings. In dance lessons a variety of individual, partner and group dances are taught. They also have the opportunity to practise for Sports Day events, with the main focus being on good sportsmanship and participation.
Junior Primary children also regularly participate in health and skill-related physical activities such as fitness circuits and parachute games.

Middle Primary PE
The Physical Education program in Years 3-5 aims to provide the understanding that physical activity is an important aspect in the development of their physical well-being. Although competition is introduced and encouraged, the emphasis is on participation, enjoyment and team cooperation in a safe and non-threatening environment.
Students are given the opportunity to participate in athletics as well as a balanced selection of activities from the sport/game categories: Invasion, Net/Wall, Striking/Fielding and Target activities. They develop and refine the ability to read the flow of play, apply tactics and strategies, make good decisions and execute related techniques.
An inquiry into Team Building introduces children to a range of physical challenges, where teamwork and co-operation are central themes. The challenges are designed to make students better thinkers, communicators, carers and risk-takers.
As well as promoting health, skill and fitness benefits, the Skipping unit encourages students to develop patience, confidence and commitment in learning new skills.
Through the Orienteering unit students discover the importance of critical and creative problem-solving skills. They learn how to read maps and navigate their way through orienteering courses within the school and neighbouring reserve.
An understanding and appreciation of other cultures is gained as students explore and participate in Games From Other Cultures.

Upper Primary PE
The upper primary Physical Education program is designed to help students develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for confident, lifelong participation in sport and recreation. Students discover that physical activity is an essential aspect of a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle and that learning through PE helps to build self-esteem, confidence, cooperation and fitness.
The Year 6/7 PE program aims to provide the senior students opportunity to participate in a balanced selection of activities from each of four sport/game categories: Invasion, Net/Wall, Striking/Fielding and Target activities. The emphasis is on game sense – understanding how to be more successful in games through the use of tactics and strategies.
Students are also be given the opportunity to improve techniques and understanding of various sports and their rules. They recognise that the physical skills and strategies they learn in one sport/game are transferable to many sports/games. The focus on enjoyment and team co-operation is stressed. This attitude is encouraged within the weekly PE lessons, specialised clinics and extra-curricular sporting activities.
Athletics: In this unit students critically analyse the basic techniques of the running, throwing and jumping events. They then attempt to adopt these techniques to improve their success.
Sports Education: Students learn what it is like to run a community sport. As well as participating as players in a sports competition, they are responsible for the organisation, administration and promotion of the competition.
Cultural Dance: An inquiry into a folk dance from another country promotes a global perspective and an appreciation and respect for another culture.
Fitness: Students learn about the various fitness components, before analysing their own levels of fitness and attempting to improve them. They learn the importance of taking responsibility for their own health and fitness by making sound lifestyle choices.
Game Invention: An inquiry into what makes a great active game, where the process of creating is as important as the final product.